
About the Instructor

Dawn Roy, LCSW is a certified MHFA instructor since 2009 providing over 100 MHFA training courses throughout Fairfield County and in other regions of CT. Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour certification course that helps individuals and communities better understand mental health issues and respond accordingly to others who may be experiencing distress. Dawn is certified in the following modules of MHFA: adult standard module, youth module, public safety module focused on law enforcement, fire and EMS module and veterans/military module. Each course module is targeted toward to the unique needs of that population. For more information about each module, click the following pages.

Mental Health First Aid – Adult Standard Module

Mental Health First Aid – Youth Module

Mental Health First Aid – Public Safety Module

Mental Health First Aid – Fire and EMS Module

Mental Health First Aid – Veterans Module

For more information on upcoming Mental Health First Aid Trainings or if you would like to schedule a training, please contact Dawn Roy, LCSW at or 203-331-7458